Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)
USB - PS Audio Sprout100
Description Of Issue
After connecting Tidal and Qobuz I’ve added many albums to my library and can view them all. Before doing this, I could just see my albums that were native to my computer that Roon had found. How could I view just those albums in Roon? In other words, how can I filter out tidal and qobuz albums and just see my own?
You can use Focus from your Album Browser and select Format, then Tidal and also Qobuz. Then click the + to make it a -. This will exclude all Tidal and Qobuz albums.
To to the Album browser, press the Focus button and in the pop-up at the bottom of the screen scroll over to the right until you see Format.
Click on Format and select TIDAL and Qobuz. You’ll see the green filters at the top of the screen. Now, press the + next to each for and they will turn red.
This will show just your collection. You can create a bookmark of this view.