How do I run roon Bridge on Odroid C2

@DonkeyKong ,
if you follow @evand instructions and install hybrid 32/64 bit distribution ( Download hybrid Odrobian ) you just need to modify one line in the roon-easy-install script.
This hybrid build runs 64bit kernel for C2 and has 32bit app environment so all 32bit apps can run unmodified.

If you install Armbian for Odroid c2 you just need to install ‘armhf’ 32bit compatible libraries and do the same. In that case you are running on 64bit kernel and 64bit libraries + 32bit libs conversion layer.

I prefer Armbian as it is being actively supported and Odrobian stopped but as it’s fresh (1H 2016) i believe either one would work for you.

In both cases you run 32bit Roon Endpoint. Performance wise I am sure there is no difference in either scenario (though latter one should be wee bit more efficient) but as CPU load is less then 10%… irrelevant !

so - net net - you either follow @evand instructions for Odrobian or mine further below in a thread for Armbian.
Link is here: > Support for ARMv8 as well as ARMv7? [Coming in 1.3]

last option is what i dont know precisely how to do as its more complicated - install any 64bit distrubutio and then build via depootstrap 32bit environment (which is simmilar to 1st scenario in the end with odrobian) and then install Roon into that one … as @evand commented, might require manual/ssh commandline start but can be made to work.

So you have 2 easy options and one more complicated/attention seeking.

good luck