How to access DSP


I have updated to 1.3 but cannot access the dip engine.
I am using a sonic transporter and a microrendu. I have setup my Mac as a remote as well as my phone and tablet. But do I have to run Roon on my Mac instead of the sonic transporter to use the dip engine?


I take it you mean the DSP engine?

The shortest path is to right-click or long-press on your zone icon in the dark play bar at the bottom of your screen. You’ll see ‘DSP Engine’ in the popup menu that appears.

Note that the DSP Engine is accessible on your desktop remote or tablet, but not on your phone. The engine itself runs fine on your SonicTransporter.

Thanks, Rene. Just love that autocorrection feature - NOT!

I was able to find the dsp engine on my tablet, but not when using my mac where it would be easier to use.

Perhaps it could be listed in Settings?


OK, I did find the dsp engine in the Mac. One should go to Select an Audio Zone and then click on the 3 vertical dots - intuitive.


Settings > Audio > Cog wheel next to your zone > DSP Engine

Right-clicking on your zone icon should work on your Mac as well – try CTRL-click (or long-press).

And yes – it’s in the zone selector too. :slight_smile:

OK, that is more like it. Right where it should be.

Thanks for your help.


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Now you’re taking all the fun out of it… :wink:

But thank you for CMD-/ – I somehow missed that one.


Yes, I saw that before posting as well as reviewing the few other posts recently done. Unfortunately, the graphic fails to show the button needed to access the options. So, for me, it was not useful.

But thanks for the link.
