How to add a clickable url to Roon?

Hello, I use mp3tag and discogs to tag my files.
Mp3tag add a field « www » with the url discogs release.
Is it possible to display this url on Roon and click ?
I can change the name of field if it is necessary.

Sorry for my bad english, I’m french.

Best regards.

Not possible, you can vote here for the feature:

Some people add the Discogs ID to the Version field of the album. It’s not clickable but at least the info is there. As a somewhat awkward workaround you could also put the link into a PDF file and put the PDF file into the album folder. The PDF will create a link in the album info, so you could open the PDF from there and then click the link in the PDF.


Thank you.
Is it possible to automatize création pdf with discogs link ?

One way is to go to the Discogs page of the album and save the page as PDF (or use Print to PDF in some browsers). This will usually embed links to the page that can later be clicked in the PDF reader

Or simply create a new text file in your text editor. Copy-paste the Discogs URL into the file, then save the file as PDF. (On Windows, use Notepad > Print > to PDF)

I’m sure much of this can be automated with the respective tools.