How to add a new Stream? (Bob's Ska Radio)

Hello together, i’m new to Roon and want to add my lovely “Bob’s Ska Radio” Stream to live Radio.
How can i do this?
Thank you very much

Hello @AlexaFr , if you know the url of the audio stream, or the tunein link, you can add it directly via my live radio. But the easiest is to ask here and a friendly radio curator will add it for you - as I have done. Search using the Top right magnifying glass - not the one below it - for Bob's Ska Radio.

Let me know if OK.

Hello Brian,
thank you very much for your fast reply.
If i am searching for „Bob‘s Ska Radio“, i don‘t find it.
I don‘t find „My Radio Stations“ or anything in Roon.
So, i must ask to integrale it?

In Roon Arc, there are no Radio Stations?
This seems to be awful…:slight_smile:

Use the magnifying glass shown

Type bobs ska radio (don’t need the apostrophe),
and hit enter (important as doesn’t show automatically)

(my live radio is found under the ‘hamburger menu’ - the three parallel lines top left of your screen)

And no, Arc doesn’t have radio stations at the moment. You can vote for this feature here

Brian, thank you very much, you are great.
I have found it and am now happy.
I voted for radio with the Arc app. It seems to have been on the roadmap for 2 years.
Many thanks for your help and see you in the next post :slight_smile:

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