Dear all
I’m using the latest version of Roon…
I’d like to add my music folder to Roon. Nothing, I can only add a network folder.
If i try to add a Backup Folder from my NAS, not working.
I’m missing something?
Many thanks
Dear all
I’m using the latest version of Roon…
I’d like to add my music folder to Roon. Nothing, I can only add a network folder.
If i try to add a Backup Folder from my NAS, not working.
I’m missing something?
Many thanks
hmmmm I don’t get it…why have the “file explorer” been removed or changed?
Tried everything…
What platform you on? You go to watched folders anf any local storage will show up there.
MacOS (newest Version)
where is “watched folders” ?
In storage in settings. Also make sure Roon has permissions to fully access storage as later versions of macOS won’t allow it access by default. You can set this in the Mac’s System settings.
Check the MacOs permissions for Roon and storage access.
already done, full access given…
Even tried do de-install and re-install everything. hoping roon would ask me again regading core etc etc. nothing. seems like profiles are saved anywhere…i didn’t login or anything.
Very strange. Your definitely running latest build and have Roon server running
Maybe Firewall ???
You seem to have given full access to Roon, but I don’t see Roon Server in that list… Since the release of Roon 2.0.25, the Roon application has been split in two: Roon (the GUI) and Roon Server (the clue is in the name). Both need full access…
Does Roon running as a local instance on your MAC?
no firewall
yes. installed on my mac’s hd
and how can I install Roon Server? Roon ROCK is installed on my IntelNuc and everything is working fine except of the problem mentioned
Roon ROCK is Roon Server by another name. The term Core has now been abandoned for Server , maybe ROCK should become ROSK
Ah, sorry, you didn’t say that, I assumed that you had Roon Server running on your Mac.
Right, so if you have a ROCK/NUC system, without an internal 2.5" drive installed or a USB drive attached to it, then your screenshot is exactly what is expected.
You need to add a Watched Folder - where exactly is the Music folder that you want to add? On the Mac? then this is what you need to do…
what the HELL…it worked now, thanks Geoff.
Now, same problem for adding my Synology NAS as a backup…
why is everything so complicated?