How to configure Roon (non-ROCK) between a NVMe and a SSD (Windows 10)

I’ve been Rooning for three months or so, first loading the roon core on a Gigabyte ITX machine with two 7200 rpm hard drives. Not the best performance, so I replaced the two 7200 rpm hard drives with a 1TB NVMe M.2 and a WD Blue 1TB SSD. I loaded ROCK as an experiment tinkering and I had some issues with ethernet connectivity. So I ditched the non-standard ROCK installation and loaded Windows 10 Roon. The beast worked like a charm, but I have one question. Rock on a NUC uses the M.2 for the OS, and the SSD for data (?) is there any way to set up the same configuration on my Windows 10 computer, otherwise when I install the OS and data both go on the M.2 drive, and the SSD is not used at all. Would something like spanned or RAID disks increase the speed or stability. BTW - having a great time playing with Raspberry pi and Roon.

Is this computer dedicated to Roon, or you want to use it for other applications also? It will be the Roon Core only or Rone Core and Roon Application?
Since M.2 drive is faster than SSD, I believe that Windows and Roon Core shoul be installed on M.2 drive, and music files on SSD (assuming that 1TB in enough for your music files). Or music files and Roon database backup (two partitions on SSD).
About the drive size: it is not mandatory to install Windows (and Roon Core) on a full M.2 drive. You can use a smaller partition for this (e.g. 100 GB), and the rest of space for other purposes.
I don’t think that spanned or RAID disks will increase the speed or stability, but it will make harder the computer management and desaster recovery.

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Yes, this is a dedicated computer. My music files are on a 16 TB NAS and the core serves them from the NAS to my endpoints. Should I put the Roon database and backup on the SSD? I agree fully on the spanned or RAID disks, keep it simple. So if I put the library database on the SSD it would be located This PC>Local Disk (C:)> Users>Administrator>AppData>Local>roon>Database . Should I move all of the Database folder to the SSD and if so should I somehow ‘point’ roon to the database. Thanks for your help here.

Roon database: It is better to be on M.2 (it is faster). You have nothing to win by moving it to SSD.
Backup on the SSD: Yes, but it would be a waste of space, if there will be nothing else on 1TB SSD. You can put your scheduled backup anywhere outside M.2 drive: USB stick, a network share on NAS etc. If you don’t need SSD on Windows and Roon Core computer, you better use it on another computer.

Daniel_Avasilichioae So it seems I should leave well enough alone. My backups are on my NAS which has terabytes free. Thanks again.

Enjoy your music! :slightly_smiling_face: