I have several how to questions.
I’m running ROON server on my server. I have a a second PC used as an endpoint. Is this where I would install HQPlayer? This
PC is connected to my Lampi Big7 DAC. I believe that’s right? ROON and HQ player merge their outputs.
Next an iPad question.
I’ve gotten my iPad Aire to work in this setup but I have a couple of questions.
When ROON is used with iPad, apparently the iPad becomes a ROON only device during that session. Whenever I switched to another app ROON would stop playing. So no more browsing on iPad while playing music, correct?
I find that a little disappointing as I can switchback and forth between apps when I use jRiver? -
I thought once version 1.2 was released that my PC and iPad would mirror each other and the iPad would select the music tracks and my PC I use as an endpoint would be coordinated. This would be what I’m used to when using iPad, jRemote, jRiver, with an audio PC and the server. Am I doing something wrong? In other words I’d like my large screen displaying something similar to my iPad screen like jRemote and jRiver manage yo do in theater mode. This is very convenient when I have guests so they can see what I’m playing. It’s very cool to do this.
In question 1 above how do I control ROONsever on one PC, HQPlayer, on the other PC, and use my iPad Air 2 to make music selections.
Thanks in advance.