How to link local artist with tidal artist?


How to link local artist with tidal artist? Please help.

A few things to try:


How to add artists from tidal?

If you look at a Tidal album and click Add To Library, the album and the album artist appear in you library. In some cases more artists on the album.

This sound like only add tidal album to local library. Can I add tidal artist to local library?

Starred artists on TIDAL will appear in the TIDAL section, under Your Favorites.

The artists browser in Roon is based on artists with content in your collection, so if you want an artist to appear there, you need to add albums (or tracks) to your Library.

Finally, you can navigate to an artist, select all their albums, and add them all to your library (under the “three dots”) if you want everything they’ve released.


Thank you and i can add album now. but how to remove it?