How to make Tidal run on Roon

Hi, im running a freee trial with Roon server on my computer (my grafic card did not support OpenGL 3.0) and Ronn app on my mobile phone. My iTunes liberary works ok but can´t seem to get Tidal to run on the Roon app. I red something about making a copy of the “My favorites” on Tidal by klicking tre “thre dot…” something, anyone who can advise me?

Mikael, Sweden

Hi Mikael,

Are you logged in to Tidal from Roon at all? (See: Settings > Services)? (Accessible though the Hamburger menu top left on the phone interface).

Once you’re logged in and synced up, your current favourites are accessible through Hamburger > TIDAL. You can swipe the navigation items at the top horizontally – your favorites are all the way to the right.

Your favorites will also become part of your Roon library – and Tidal albums can be found and added to the library when searching in Roon.

Yes, my status on Tidal in Roon is “successfully signed in”. i don´t know if that means that i am logged in.

I hav also klicked the blue text “sync library now” i few times. and then i klicked “Done”.

It also says “Logout” in bottom left so i should be logged in.

And thankyou for answering Rene.

Sounds like you are set up. Your favorites from Tidal should be in Roon. Search on artists and see if Tidal ones show up, or Tidal is on menu to go more directly.


Artists in the meneu only shows my itunes liberary, not Tidal. In the hamburger meneu i can find in order from the top: Discober/Recent/Tags/Playlists/Generes/Tidal/Internet Radio/Settings/Artists/Album/Tracks/Composers/Compositions/Support/Community and Less…If i press Tidal there is everything that shows on Tidal: New/Recommenden/Top 20 and Masters. On the top i can choose: What´s new/TIDAL Rising/Playlists/Generes and your Favorites. Your Favorites says that Artist/Albums and Tracks “you don´t have any favorited…”.

In “Your Favorites” on Tidal it says that i have no favorited Artist/Albums or Tracks ".

When you favorite something in Tidal it adds it into Roon.

Or, from Roon, you can find an album or artist and click Add To Library which adds it to Roon.

Yes, now it works. Thankyou:-)

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