How to reset Roon Database on Nucleus

He wants to buy my revB Nucleus. Thought I would be able to see the web page and could reset the database from there?

This was my source until now. I deauthorized the old one, then authorised the new One to which I restored my data.

I hooked up an HDMI cable and a wired USB keyboard from Nucleus vB to a standalone monitor

If that doesn’t work can I do anything else so I can sell my old one and he can login to it and use it?

I entered what IP I thought it had used but nothing happened. Do I need to hookup the old one to confirm the IPI think?

Maybe that’s the problem if I’m using the wrong IP for the rest.

Connect the old Nucleus Plus back onto the network, USB keyboard and, by HDMI to a monitor or TV. When it powers on it should display an ipaddress consistent with your network (same subnet).

There is a possibility that, if your old Nucleus was configured to use a static ip address, that ip address will conflict with the ip address of another device on your network - e.g. your new Nucleus One.

If that is the case, or if you are not sure, follow the procedure details at:

Note: RoonOs is the operating system run by Nucleus and ROCK devices.

You can then use a web browser on another device to navigate to http://nucleusplus (or if that doesn’t work http://<ip_address> where <ip_address> is the one displayed on the monitor connected to the old Nucleus Plus).

From there you should:

  1. Reset the database
  2. Format any internal storage.

Since you have already logged into your new Roon Server (and thus de-authorized the old one), your old Nucleus Plus should be ready to pass on and will connect to the new owners network just as a new Nucleus would.

Thanks worked great. It was on DHCP. and all done. Randall

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