I can't delete albums on a remote computer

I’ve improved my roon device a bit. Install Roon Core and HQ on the 13600K win11 computer at the same time, and then mount the remote win10 computer’s hard disk. But now I have encountered an issue where when I delete an album it shows no permission to delete. In fact, the folder was not deleted on the remote computer. Do I need to set up Roon or PC?

You are better to delete the files and folders from within Windows and let Roon catch up.

When you use the Roon Edit>Delete album function it ONLY deletes the audio files , any folders , artwork etc are left behind


the CD1 & CD2 folders are empty

The Scans are left


If you delete a complete album folder in Windows Roon will adjust the db to suit then you can do a clean up

Settings>Library>Library Maintenance


I’ve reset the folder permissions, and it should work.Still thanks for the reply.