Changing username on the forum

I will chime in with my request to change my User Name to Echolane, please.

All done ! :sweat:

Can you change my username npg1966. Thanks.


Cheers, Greg

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Can you change my name to: KungFuNat

Thank you

Hi that’s done for you.

Oh boy I just noticed that it posts my real name. Does anyone know how I change that?


Hi, what would you like it changed to?

Hi can u change it to 4367.

That’s done for you.

Thanks very

And me please.

Can you update me to BigAlMc

Many thanks,

All done. :sunglasses:

Thanks Andrew

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Would you please remove my name ?
Thanks in advance.

Hey Phillipe,

I cannot remove your name, but I can replace it with something else. What would you like for your username?

OK for Phil Active Audio

Thanks in advance !

@Phil_Active_Audio that’s now done for you.

Can you chance mine to RicoRocks


@RicoRocks, that’s done for you.