I need to clean my local libray

hi there , is it possible to delete my local library, amd then import again, the reason is that I have a better and updated library ,the library is located on my external sub HDD on my Roonserver machine…thanks for any kind of help…

Well not sure what help you need, but it seems like you need to go to Roon/Settings/Storage and add your HDD as a watch folder. BUT FIRST, delete any reference to the old library.

As Roon imports the library, it is creating a companion database that contains magical stuff. This process takes time, maybe overnight-type time. So be patient. And good luck.

As @John_v stated above, disable / remove your old storage location, and add a new folder. Here’s a screenshot…

I would disable versus remove if you plan to retain the files there as a backup copy. Good luck.