Icon to indicate song included in library (in playlists particularly)

I propose an icon that can accompany each song in line (in playlist or globally) that indicates if the song exists in your library already.

Being able to sort by this, or better filter on this, would be amazing!

I have imported a large number of playlist from my now unused Logitech Media Server as well as imported playlists to Tidal from Spotify.

I was attempting to batch add the songs included in these playlists to library. Selecting the entire playlist and attempting to ‘add to library’ is often grey. Many of the songs exist in local storage or had already been added.

In the end I had to manually add each song only being able to see if they are already added by clicking … → and seeing if ‘Add to library’ was grey.

Have I missed a better way to do this? Else seems like a very welcome addition