thanks for the awesome information.
It really doe not matter where you move it to as it will be ignored just like all the similar requests prior to this including at least two of my own and countless ones before mine.
I know obviously nobody at Roon HQ cares or sees this as a priority but it is actually getting close to being a deal breaker for myself.
I have so many albums , a lot of which I just have simply forgotten about it would be very nice just to “spin the wheel” and see what Roon selects.
Thanks for the awesome first post…
There’s already a much more heavily voted version of this request.
@AceRimmer could you try merging this with the “big one”? I highly doubt that if these votes are “lost” in the merge process folks will mind going back and switching their votes? Many thanks!
This is the “27 vote” one… (hopefully 30 soon)
I truly miss the shuffle play option from my CD players and iTunes. I wish there would be another option next to the regular play button for an album: play randomly/shuffle.
I have several compilations like the great RTL Georges Lang collections which I would appreciate playing in random order. With the current Roon version (1.1), I cannot do it and I have to revert to iTunes (shame).
Does Roon have any plan to implement such an (easy) feature?
Best regards,
Hi Arnaud,
Not sure if you’re aware of this or not, but there is queue shuffle function in Roon.
After selecting play album, go to the queue and click the icon (to the right of the play bar).
Roon will then play the contents of the queue in a random order.
Hope that helps.
Hello Carl,
I was not aware of this queue shuffle possibility: obviously, the self-discovery of this feature is not obvious.
Instead of:
- clicking play the album - big button
- clicking on “view queue” - small icon at the bottom left
- clicking on the “shuffle” icon - small icon at the top right
I suggest to: - click on “random play” the album - big button next to regular play button
The discovery of the feature is immediate!
Best regards,
Also, I’d like to add that the aforementioned sequence will lead to always playing the first track of the album first, instead of a random track from the album as on any CD player…
I was just about to post
Can you play a random selection from an album or do you have to press play and then hit the shuffle icon, ie you always have to listen to track one and then the random shuffle?
When over on the left appeared this post. No big deal but It would be nice to random play an album fully.
I also miss this option to play albums or playlists in random order without always having to start with the first (same) song. Maybe this could be implemented under the play album button, by holding it longer. Or as suggested with a seperate button.
Can I resurrect this suggestion?
Similar to selecting tracks and then there is a shuffle option in the blue play drop down - can we have the same shuffle option in the blue play drop down available for an album?
I find it annoying to have to play the first track; then go to the queue; and then toggle the shuffle icon - especially as shuffle then remain on for future albums and so you have to turn it back off!
I may not be fully understanding you but is that option not there already?
Perfect!! Thanks for the advice. I now have shuffle option from the drop down!
(If it isn’t there by default though, as it didn’t appear to be for me, I’d recommend that it should be)
Hello! Perhaps I am missing something here. I would like to be able to que a long playlist of items and shuffle by album. The shuffle function only randomizes all tracks within a playlist as far as I can determine. Can someone please assist this new Roon user?
I’m afraid this cannot be done (to the best of my knowledge).
I seem to think it is an issue that comes up the odd time so it would be worth seeing if there is a feature request thread for it and voting in that.
This is a feature request thread for it but only one vote so not much traction!
Might not be exactly what @jb25 had in mind but it’s close.
Personally I have ALWAYS wanted a true random album shuffle feature.
Simply because I have so much music that I have forgotten all about most of it.
A random pick would be excellent to remind me what I have and just play it.
Also, is this the same request as the much bigger “shuffle album” thread?
If so (in the views of the 2 folks who are currently voting for it), @AceRimmer can you merge into the “big thread” so we can start consolidating votes? I have no idea if the votes flow with the thread, but it’s probably worth finding out because I sure want this
Done and done and yes votes move to new topic