Identifying albums from "Ferocious Dog"

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Description of the issue

It seems that added the latest album of Ferocious Dog to their database

All the old albums are still linked to a different version of the band.
Re-Identifying doesn’t help.

Is there any way to merge the two "Ferocious Dog"s into one ?

Hi @papa.jay

Thank you for reaching out to us about this. I apologize for the delay in getting to you. I’d be happy to walk you through this!

Here’s how to merge your Ferocious Dogs!

  1. Add the new Ferocious Dogs album to your library
  2. Then go to your artists page
  3. Select both of the Ferocious Dogs artist icons
  4. Click Merge artists (in the top right corner of the Artists page)
  5. Select the Primary artist, doesn’t matter much which one you select - they’re the same band.

Unmerge at any time by going to Setting>Library>Un-merge artist (unmerge button appears at the far right of the page)

That should do it!

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