Import Failure: Limit Reached at 42,342 Music Tracks (ref#HWQHOG)

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· I'm having trouble adding music to my library

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Is there an import limit? I can't seem to get all my music tracks imported. It seems to fail around 42,342 tracks

Describe your network setup

Synology 923+, SonicWall TZ400, UbiquitiUS-24-250W switch, Macbook (Sonoma 14.5, HP Elitebook (Windows 10)

There is no limit, except by hardware performance. Some people have several hundred thousand tracks. The issue must be something else.

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Hi @parke,
I’m sorry to read that you are having this problem. can you navigate to settings → library → clean up library and upload a screenshot of the library maintenance screen that looks like this?

You don’t need to actually start the clean up process.


How many tracks do you have, how many have not been imported?

If you have multiple versions of the same album, Roon can group them as 1 album count with different underlying versions. You can change this in Settings/ General “Show Hidden” set to Yes. This will tell Roon to display everything even those it has grouped together. Perhaps that might explain some of the “missing” albums.

There are some other reasons the albums might be missing, see the FAQ: Some of my files aren’t showing up in Roon

How many tracks is Synology Audio Station reporting?

How do you read the log files for errors? In particular, which log file is relevant? It seems to me the thing is failing somewhere.

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You can use these instructions to find your logs.

What does this mean? 06/10 10:06:35 Trace: [library] finished with 38667 dirty tracks 3769 dirty albums 45403 dirty performers 15470 dirty works 23901 dirty performances 1261 dirty genres 1 dirty auxfiles 103 dirty countries 8 dirty periods 37 dirty forms 4206 dirty places 1468 dirty creditroles 1065 dirty labels 3760 dirty folders 0 clumping tracks, 0 clumping auxfiles 0 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 38667 tracks to (re)load, 0 tracks to retain, 1 auxfiles to (re)load, 0 auxfiles to retain, and 132231 changed objects

Dirty objects are just objects that need re-processing in your library due to a change in metadata, either directly or indirectly. Don’t overthink this; it’s perfectly normal operation and there is nothing that you need to do.

If you try to add the music tracks in smaller amounts does the problem still happen.

I think, but, I am sure that one of the support guys will correct me,

“dirty” is a term used by Roon’s database to indicate the need to perform indexing on the selected object. In this case, tracks. Usually, this occurs when changes are made in the database.

Here, I found the post I was thinking of…

I have tried adding the tracks in smaller amounts so I could determine where it is failing to no avail. At some point it just seems to go into kernel panic or something and I can’t add more tracks. I’ve tried restarting to no avail. I’ve removed all pictures and small files. After I get to that point I can’t add anything and it just says “Watching for new files in real time” and never adds the tracks. If I go into Library Maintenance there is nothing to clean up. If I check Backgroud audio analysis Speed it seems to be stuck on analyzing and never finishes.

Is this related? If so, please do not open more than one support thread for the same issue. Also where is your Roon Server running? From the first post it seems like it runs on your NAS but in the second thread you write its some Windows machine.

PS: “Real-time watching” can be problematic and unreliable. Please manually force a re-scan to rule out issues with “real-time watching”.


What’s happening?

· Something else

How can we help?

· I'm having trouble adding music to my library

Describe the issue

Missing artists and tracks. Adding music to library never completes.

Describe your network setup

Windows 11 Roon server, Ubiquiti switch, Sonicwall Firewall

Have you tried @BlackJack’s suggestion?

I’ve abandoned the NAS as a troubleshooting measure. It’s running on a Win 11 computer, i5 processor, 8 GB RAM, SSD dive. 79,750 files. Keeps failing the import. If I add a folder after importing 47584 tracks, the thing just goes to Watching for new files in real time and will not import that folder or anything else. Force rescan does nothing.

So it seems something in that new folder is throwing Roon off. Hopefully Roon support is able to point you to a given file or folder.

@parke, It looks like the problem file may be this one “03. Sinner’s Prayer - Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa.mp3”. I’m seeing an error when fetching the analysis for this track.
The track before 02. Them There Eyes - Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa.mp3" analyzes successfully.

Thanks. I deleted that file and restarted the computer. It still will not import any more tracks even if I force rescan the folder. When I add a folder it simply goes instantly to “Watching for new files in real time” and doesn’t add anything. even though there are 2733 files in that folder. Force Rescan does nothing. Does the database get corrupted?

I deleted the library and re-imported. Now, for example, it didn’t bring over any Frank Zappa, George Jones, Steely Dan or Soundgarden. I guess it just doesn’t work.