Import Favorites from Qobuz into the roon library

Roon Core Machine

Roon Rock on a nucleus i 7

System Status

Serial #1C697A0976F0

Operating System: OK
Version 1.0 (build 227) stable

Roon Server Software: OK
Version 1.7 (build 571) stable

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Fritz!Box 7490

Connected Audio Devices

None: Fresh Install
Should be a Node21 Bluesound

Number of Tracks in Library

None: Fresh Install

Description of Issue

[There was an error checking for an update]

Es ist ein fehler bei der Update-anfrage aufgetreten

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It seems Roon servers have crashed worldwide, as everyone is experiencing the same problem.

Please inform me immediately when the crash is fixed.
Can you predict how long the downtime will be?

It’s working now.

Thanks for Solving

It wasn’t me… Roon staff did this… I just was the messenger…

My problem started with overheating damage to the system hard drive, which I had to replace. Then I had to do a new installation and accidentally deleted my data partition (1 TB) and lost all my rock backups :frowning:

At some point the installation worked but the faulty data partition caused the kernel to crash (kernel panic). So I started the server with a live Ubuntu system and reformatted the data partition. Then Roon Rock finally ran again, but my Node2i (Roon Ready Streamin device) was no longer found. So I started another reinstallation and slipped directly into the worldwide update mess.
And this is the short version…
I hope I didn’t trigger it with this crazy action :slight_smile:

But now I’m fine because it works again.

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