Incorrect track title is displayed even though metadata is correct

Roon Server Machine

Roon Server v2.0 (build 1353) on 1 TB USB SSD connected to Synology 920 NAS

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Wired T1000 connections between NAS, computer and pfsense router

Connected Audio Devices

Networked computer -->Schiit Bifrost 2/64
Networked HiFiBerry → Schiit Bifrost 2

Number of Tracks in Library

~30k tracks

Description of Issue

In my Chicago 16 album, track 9 (Rescue You) is incorrectly labeled as “What Can I Say”. Metadata in both tracks shows correct information but in the tracklist for the album, it shows “Rescue You” as Track 8, before “What Can I Say” as Track 9. If I play the “What Can I Say” track, “Rescue You” plays, followed by “Love Me Tomorrow” which is the correct tenth track.

The first screen of the file info for Track 9…

Scrolling down to see the file name…

I’ve tried going to Edit…/ Rescan/Re-identify/Re-analyze Track with no changes.

I’ve gone to the Album Editor / Fix Track Grouping but everything is correct…

I had purchased these 24/196k FLACs from Qobuz so I also have the Qobuz version available. THAT version has the correct track name associated with the file.

Any help would most definitely be appreciated to fix this and any other glitches that show up over time!

If there is a naming issue, I just go to the album, click on the 3 dot menu on the track line and click Edit. Go to Edit Track tab, the first section should give you the option to continue with Roon’s metadata, use the file’s metadata, or just call it anything you want. In your case, just click the radio button by the actual file name and Save. Done.

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Gotcha. Went in to the Edit Track tab and saw that the title was set to “Prefer Roon” instead of “Prefer File”.

Dug into the general settings and found that Roon was the preference for everything. Fixed that.

Thanks for the quick help!

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