Yes all that works fine but see below. Looked up IGMP and it is enabled by default on my router (TP Archer C3200)
I did some more testing to see if I could brake it…
Powernode2 (wired) + Flex (wifi) -> 2 zones stay in sync
Flex (wifi) + rpi3 (wired) -> 2 zones stay in sync
Powernode2 (wired) + rpi3 (wired) -> 2 zones stay in sync
Powernode2 (wired) + Flex (wifi) + rpi3 (wired) -> 3 zones stay in sync
Powernode2 (wired) + Flex (wifi) + rpi3 (wired) +rpi3 (wifi) -> things fall apart The 4th zone (the rpi) on wifi is out of sync with the other 3.
So I guess it all depends on how many zones are playing and if they are on wifi or not… Hopefully a RAAT update will solve it.
Thanks so much for your time on looking at this - certainly your results are still much more successful than mine! Encouraging to hear that it may all be possible. I guess it probably makes sense to await the update and then retry. Given that you too have igmp enabled I think that’s probably a red herring.
You might be right about the Node 2, or perhaps it’s some network strangeness. I’ve just rejigged things around to setup new speakers & RPi. I now have a Flex and RPi on Wi-Fi via the same AP and they stay in sync. However, neither will stay in sync with the Node 2, which is connected via cable to the same switch.