Info Missing "By This Artist" column

Hi Team Roon,
While listening to the new Leonard Cohen album, I noticed it was missing the “By This Artist” column as I do have other recording in my library by this artist.

Correctly displayed when I select from another album.

I was able to duplicate this with Tom Waits as well.

Thanks for looking into this.

Thanks for the report, @Jason — I’ve passed this along to the team for investigation.

Are you listening to an album in your library? (And not a Tidal version of an album in your library. For example, you might have started playing the new album before adding it). If not, you don’t see the column.

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So only albums add to my library, be it Tidal or CD rip, will show up in this column?

That’s right. I don’t know why.

Funny I never noticed that quirk! I always thought the collection of the artist in your library is always displayed for the artist selected in album view.

Thanks for clarifying.

Hi @Jason,

Brian is correct here. This only shows on albums that exist in your library. Apologies for the confusion.

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