Does this persist if you turn all firewalls and anti-virus off on the Windows machine?[quote=“Carl_Henrik_Janson, post:4, topic:16670”]
If roon cannot see this server for some odd reason, WHY IS IT NOT REPORTED TO THE USER in a proper error message so that we may investigate ourselves what the h… is the reason for the malfunction.
It does, as far as I know. If my remote connects and then I turn off wifi, I get an error message about a lost connection.
To get the screen in your screenshot, I need to either install fresh (meaning Roon is not yet configured to run as a remote) or I need to exit the “lost connection” screen and say “connect to a different Core”, like I would if I brought my laptop to a friend’s house who also had Roon. Then, I need to again pick the Core I want to connect to.
In any event, if you are having connection issues and the firewall test I mentioned above doesn’t help, please let us know the details of your network, as described here. Thanks!