Inkräktare and Inkraktare = same artist

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Inkräktare and Inkraktare = same artist

Hey @oneofmany,

If you’d like to merge these artists please follow these steps:

Add an selection for each of them to your library

Then go to your artists page

Select both

Click Merge artists (in the top right corner of the Artists page)

Select the Primary artist. When merging artists you’ll want to set the primary artist as the one with Discography, artist bio, etc, in order for these metadata assets to appear.

For example; if you use the streaming service artist as primary, the local music files artist will be merged and metadata for streaming content will remain. If you use your local music files artist as primary the rich metadata links to discography, bios, albums reviews, etc will be lost.

You can unmerge artists at anytime by going to Setting>Library>Un-merge artist (unmerge button appears at the far right of the page)

That should take care of it.

No worries @jamie I can do that but the spelling without the umlaut about the “a” should be deleted as it is not the correct way to spell the artists name.

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