Installed Roon on Synology -- and now?

I am starting out and try Roon.

I have installed Roon on my Mac first, but though the core is much better on my Synology 1520+. So I have installed it (from on my (connected) DSM7Synology. In the Package Manager Roon shows now up as running.

But what now? I want to connected the Mac app to the Syno, so on the Mac I selected Find Roon OS, but even after 10 minutes, nothing is detected. Mac and Syno are via a VDSL-Modem-router connected over Ethernet. On the Mac I can login in to the Syno and I can browse the Syno shares.

How can I listen from the Mac to the music of the Roon Core on my Syno?

Have you installed it on the Nas in a new folder called "RoonServer’ and have you given permission to that folder for the account that you use to access the NAS from your Mac?

Please don’t press that button as you don’t have a machine running Roon OS.

Got to Settings|General in Roon and disconnect from your current Mac OS core. Choose the Core running on your NAS on the next screen. If your NAS Core doesn’t show up, find the issue and correct it (start with disabling firewalls on the Mac as well as the NAS if there is any running).

Ups! No I have not created the RoonServer share! Thanks, will do that. So I just create a new share called “RoonServer”, right?

What do you mean with install Roon “in a new folder”? When I instaleld Roon I did not see an option to installed it in a specific location.

Should I point the database location to the RoonServer share? The music location has to point to where the music lives obviously (“music” share in my case).
You might as well read it where you downloaded the package…

@Mikael_Ollars Thanks for pointing me back there. I did read the info, but I had overlooked the sentence:

It will store its databases on a share called “RoonServer”. This shared folder needs to be created before installing the app.

So I assume when I have created the share _before_installing the package and then install the software it will use the dedicated share by default.

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Yeah! It works now!

(I had trouble with the Mac not finding the core staright after installation, but now 15 min later the core is present.)

Super thanks for all the help!

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