Installing nucleus but retaining old core

I have purchased a nucleus and want to use the backup from my old core to populate it. However, I want to continue to use the old core as it is located in a different house. The on line manual says it is not good to have two of the same roon database files. My question is how to set up the new nucleus and keep the old core up and running (of course I understand that you can only be logged into one core at a time – that works for me because i am only using roon in one location at a time). The old core happens to be an imac connected to an audiophillio to a pre/pro.

Hi @jay_Waxenberg,

This is the best article for your situation. Just keep in mind that you won’t have the most up-to-date databases unless you do a fresh backup at your primary location, then bring a copy of that backup to your other location and restore it.

Swapping back and forth with a backup while local files are in the equation can undoubtedly cause issues so please bear that in mind.

  1. Make a backup
  2. Log out of your core under settings>general
  3. Take the backup with you to other location and restore the backup


With one Roon license and multiple Roon cores (2 or more), when you authorize one Roon core, you will unauthorize the other and vice-versa. It’s a non-issue.

If you will ever need to use two Roon cores at the same time, now is the time to purchase a second Roon subscription on your account before the price increase 1/1/23.

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