Installing Roon Remote on Samsung Notepad

Apologies if this has been covered before, but I’ve trawled through the list of support topics and couldn’t find any reference. I am slowly but surely getting to grips with Roon. Its now established on my windows 10 PC and going great. Now I want to try the remote facility but am faced with a problem installing the Android Remote App on my note pad. It insists that the Roon Core must also be present on the device but I cannot find an Android version of the Core. Help!

Hi Reg,

Roon Core does not run on Android, for the Roon Remote to function it must connect to the Roon Core running on a support device via the network, in your case this will be the Windows PC that is running Roon.

Is your Android tablet connect via WiFi to the same network that your PC is running on?
If you are not sure try installing a network scanner app like fing.

also make sure windows is allowing roon to get thru the firewall or turn off the firewall while troubleshooting too.

Thanks for coming back so quickly. PC and Notepad are both on my home network. Notepad running Android 4.1.1 and PC Windows 10. App Store says the available version is not compatible with my device, but I have no idea what version of the app is on the Google Store or even which version its currently at.

Sorry to be putting all of this on you, but in the absence of anything approaching a starter guide, newbies like me are reduced to pestering veterans with what must seem like basic questions:relaxed::relaxed:

[quote=“Reg_Basimi, post:1, topic:13841”]
It insists that the Roon Core must also be present on the device but I cannot find an Android version of the Core.
[/quote]This suggests that you had already install Roon Remote on your tablet, is this not the case?

Roon Remote for Android is available from:

[quote=“Reg_Basimi, post:4, topic:13841”]
App Store says the available version is not compatible with my device, but I have no idea what version of the app is on the Google Store or even which version its currently at.
[/quote]The version is listed on the GS page, just scroll down a little.

Assuming you did not manage to install Roon Remote previously, then it may be your Notepad specification that is preventing installation (it must support Open GL3 for example).

What make, model, version, screen size etc. is it?

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.