Integrated, service-agnostic album handling in Library also for tags + easy source migration

While the the system is slowly moving towards a purely Roon-centric database with external music and data sources it still retains some service-dependent characteristics. It would be great if the service-specific solutions that make sense to be kept would be labelled as such and there would be completely native solutions too that would migrate their data to and from these services.

It would be great if the albums in Roon would be completely service independent, so any tags, edits at least at the album level would not be tied to local/Tidal/Qobuz favourites directly.

This would also allow in case an album is deleted from a service to show at least the content (and not be lost without warning).

An easy mass migration tool between versions would also be great (allowing to migrate all albums from one service to another, prioritize one service over another with caveats for quality, compression etc.), maybe using focus?

On the album page it would be ideal if the “versions” tab would be more straightforward. Considering that my tags, likes, etc. are not copied if I add another version of the same album I cannot use it much this way as I would need to manually change everything anyways. If the album view is service-agnostic, versions could be just a couple of tickboxes which only includes the “duplicates” as an alternative version (say to allow for mobile listening using the original Tidal/Qobuz apps).

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