Intel NUC Tidal Favorites not displayed

Intel NUC5i5, hegel Rost, USB, Wired ethernet

Built an Intel NUC with Roon OS. Installation went fine.

First, go around I used the backup from the previous Roon core and found all worked well except the Tidal favorites.

I then reset the database and tried logging into Tidal only to have the same issue

Qobuz works perfectly

I can log into Tidal WebUI and I can see my favorites and also on my android app.

I tried logging out of Tidal and re-installing the Roon OS, same results.

New Linksys router. This router worked perfectly with Roon core on my laptop

Using Google DNS settings

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Using the USB out of the RUC into a Hegel integrated Amp

*Description Of Issue

Built an Intel NUC with Roon OS. Installation went fine.

First, go around I used the backup from the previous Roon core and found all worked well except the Tidal favorites.

I then reset the database and tried logging into Tidal only to have the same issue

Qobuz works perfectly

I can log into Tidal WebUI and I can see my favorites and also on my android app.

I tried logging out of Tidal and re-installing the Roon OS, same results

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Roon not loading My Favourites