Interesting performance drain - a backup to a non-existent location

First day with ROCK. I was playing with the remote on a laptop PC and sending the audio to a Chromecast.

After a couple of minutes, I noticed a little choppiness in the audio. (8th gen i7 CPU - approved NUC)

Checked all the settings, and saw a scheduled backup to a location on my PC using a drive letter. Knew immediately that I needed to delete that backup and just set up a new one.

Performance was back to normal about 15 seconds after I deleted the bad backup.

Pretty minor thing, but it might come in handy in the future if you’re tracking down performance issues.

Interesting. In fact, from the KB

  • If music is playing when your backup is scheduled to kick off, Roon will retry the next day.

So it shouldn’t have been doing anything.

Indeed. It’s not a big deal, but I thought it might be good info to share.