Invalid captcha error during login on iOS app (ref#IX2EQX)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble logging in

Where are you having trouble logging in?

· I can't log into the Roon app

Describe the issue

from IOS I get: invalid captcha when I fill my credentials, no vpn at all

Describe your network setup

mesh 6e wifi network

from android I fill credentials fill the 2fa authentication code but the app does not open and from linux with wine it happens the same so unless I power on my macbook I’m unable to login to roon at all

This is to be expected since Wine doesn’t have access to the system default browser. Roon authentication uses OAuth, and this stores a token in a browser cookie.

In Android, you can experience problems, too, if you’re not using Chrome as the default browser, your default browser’s privacy settings are too agressive, or you are using a VPN that filters trackers, ads etc.

On Android, try this: set Chrome as the default browser, and turn off the VPN, if used. Once logged in you can reverse these changes.

oh perfect! I can login from android which is enough for me.
tyvm for the support

thanks for your, reply let me check

Hi @priet,

On iOS, try clearing the Safari cookies/cache and disabling content blockers.

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lets see, doing it right now

clearing safari’s cache did it.
thank you very much for the awesome support

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