Ipad and iPhone stopped connecting after update

Roon 1.8 (Build 918) is Live!

It told me earlier this evening there was an update available for one or more of my devices so I did it, My software updated and now my iPad remote doesn’t work, It sees the core, calls out the correct build, but can’t connect

restarted all devices, reloaded a fresh copy on remote on my iPad, reloaded a backup, no love

windows 10, i5,
ipad 6

Just to confirm you have the B918 on all your devices

turn off Windows firewall to troubleshoot… being mid week windows updates usually come out too and I’ve seen enough of those break firewall settings or impose them to know this is one place to check.

My headless win10 core restarted itself the other day too…probably a forced update…hate windows for this.

Yes 918 on all

I went back to another older computer running 913 and it works fine with my iPad running 918, it says an update is available but didn’t do that one

Problem started right after I upgraded other core to 918

But I’ll be damned, it is Windows firewall

I enabled my iPad IP in the firewall and I’m in. Don’t understand why the update to Roon triggered it to be blocked but as long as it works


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