Hi, I have an iPad Mini 1 got for free and it says I cant install Roon remote on it because my iOS isn’t at least 11.
I cant update this device that high, so I figured I could utilize it maybe as a display. Well I open up Chrome and put the display URL in and it loads to a screen that says Roon. However I can’t choose it in Roon. The icon for it doesn’t show up when playing. Any ideas?
I cant believe a device that was as expensive as it was then is useless today.
Well, that is the way of technology. Things can cause perfectly functioning older technology to be virtually useless a couple of years later. Price doesn’t really factor into longevity.
Well, there are several steps to using the display function. If the mini is showing a Roon Icon then you are halfway there. First, before playing music, mac sure the mini is showing Roon like this ( a clip from a browser I just pasted the display url into)
Hi, Thanks for response. The Mac Mini doesn’t show up in the display tab nor does it show up when I click the speaker Icon where the DSP icon etc is. The browser i have roon display URL in just shows the Roon logo. I can however get display to work on the Laptop that I use as the core. Ive rebooted the Ipad and closed out roon and reopened etc to no avail.
Hmm. Well, it certainly can be that older browsers might have issues. I tried reading other threads with the same issues; sadly, none of them found an answer either.
yep, Apple forcing an Upgrade. This thing is pretty useless at this point. I cant update any apps on App store either. I was hoping to at a minimum use this as a display. I think it would be perfect for that at least. Thank you for you help!
I use an older Ipad hooked up to my computer using Duet Display. It essentially works as a second monitor. I have Roon running and I use the Ipad to show it as a window. I can control Roon with my mouse and still work on my computer. I have the Ipad mounted to the side of my monitor. I hope this makes sense.
I had a similiar problem when I first started using Roon. I had an outdated iPad. I used an app called Luna, it worked OK, but I had too much lag in my system. I eventually purchased a newer model iPad and that solved my problem.