iPhone app - adjustable menu

I like to go through albums and artists as an entry point.
Noticed that requires me to first choose more to get this added to the menu list.
At the same time there are menu items in ‘less’ mode i dont use.

Is the app self learning as to what items to display? Or is there a way to adjust?

The “big” browsers like albums,artists,composers,etc are behind “More…” because they are not super usable in their current form (in part due to lack of fast scrolling, alpha navigation, etc).

We needed to include them for product completeness because many other features send you to those screens, like clicking on a music label in discover, or loading a bookmark. So they couldn’t be left out, but they are definitely not where you find the first class experience on the phone app.

This is an area where we plan to do work in the future…but sometimes you just need to ship what you have :slight_smile:

I’m finding that decision to be the right one. I am enjoying Discover a lot, and when I otherwise know what I want, I use search.

Again Brain: makes total sense. Happy with what we got so far and looking forward to the carrot.