iPhone randomly disappears from Audio device list

Hello I have an IPhone 11pro on one of the latest firmwares. i notice iphone is randomly missing from my device selection.
It is also missing from settings under Audio.

Core is RS9 audio with i7 processor . Below is link of RS9 audio server.

Please let me know I if I lm missing anything here

Issue replicated and iPhone is no longer populated under Audio

Your phone is a wireless device. It may connect to the mobile network if it thinks that this connection is better than the WiFi connection to your local network (gone until its connection returns to your local network). It may also switch between different frequencies 2.4 GHz – 5 GHz (expected to be gone for a short time only) or connect to a different nearby network if it is allowed to (gone until its connection returns to your local network).
Are the screenshots taken from the same phone that is gone missing?
Does audio (device) connection return automatically in this cases? If so, how long is it typically missing before it returns?

I only have 5.4 SSID available in the air. No when it disappears , it’s gone for sometimes like 5,6 hours and randomly it shows back up.

It sounds like a network issue of some sorts. As it is your network and your device(s) the hard work of troubleshooting is primarily yours. If you hope for help from the community you may have to come-up with something others can go on with.

This may currently look so but out of experience it usually isn’t the case. Try to find a pattern looking at logs (router, core machine, phone) and usage patterns of other, potentially unrelated looking software on all of your devices. If you want help from official support, please create a thread in the support category of the forum (read also: I'm having a problem with Roon -- how do I report it?).

What port and protocol the phone would be using to discover the roon core ? I might be able to run packet capture on my firewall if anything is getting dropped between my wireless and LAN.

Seems a bit counter intuitive to enable Flight mode on the phone and then enable WLAN? At least thats what your screen shots are indicating.

I have never seen the local iDevice disappear from the output device, like you describe. It is a bit unstable though when trying to disable or enable or rename. Once set it seems to stay that way for me.

There is no official documentation available that tells us and that I know of. Look for mDNS-SD and broadcasts, you may just have to analyze the communication while the device is visible. :man_shrugging:

See Drops from the core with multicast destination , source and des port 1900 ,

Does this look familiar to you ?

Port 1900 is used for mDSN-SD/uPnP SSDP and Roon makes use thereof (multicast troubles are a well known source for network related Roon issues). So if services or devices that provide those can’t be detected because of the drops you see, you have to fix that. This could totally be the reason for the disappearance of the iPhone in Roon.

Note: I don’t know where your sniffer runs, what you show us in those screenshots or what drop means in this context. Roon expects all devices to be in the same network (broadcast domain). Multicast, much like broadcast, is not meant to be routed AFAIK (more precisely, needs specific routing protocol/software to become routable) – so if your router drops multicast traffic he’s probably right in doings so (not expected to be routed anywhere).

Yep it’s definitely not in the same broad cast domain , 2 separate networks , LAN to Wireless. Not sure how a not so Tech Savvy can put their wireless and LaN on same network , even a home router does not allow the same network on 2 separate zones or interfaces.

In my case however, it is possible by doing the below :slight_smile:

  1. Bridge Wireless to LAN network and make the same network

  2. Enable multicast membership on each interface and use of IP helper to convert multicast into unicast and be able pass the unicast to another network

Once I test above I will update the solution.

Don’t know where you get that from.

PS: Or if they are meant to be separate, like your private internal network from a potential guest network, then this is intentional.

Sounds pretty much the same as what every ISP supplied WiFI-router does on default, some are even able to setup a second VLAN bridged to a separate BSSID for guest users. This is also exactly what standalone access points are doing (setup a wireless network cell and bridge it to the wired LAN connection).

This is for performance reasons and IMO should be enabled by default for wireless cells.

Not so sure about this. May need configuration in another part of the device setup to work properly.
If it is what I think it is, you don’t need this – unless you have specific needs and know what and how to setup (hint: something like making ISP provided, multicast based IP-TV available in your network).

But as you did not share any network details – who knows, maybe it 's important for your situation. :man_shrugging:

Note: In another thread you wrote that your core is connected to a dumb switch. The network configuration options available you describe now in this thread are surely not to be found on a dumb switch – or a simple to setup ISP supplied home router. Figuring out how to properly configure your managed (pro) networking devices is your job. Should you feel overwhelmed by all those options, please consider consulting a local network specialist to help you setup your gear properly and to your needs.

For the sake of completeness I add:

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Thank you.

I bridged the wireless network to LAN at Layer 2 and both on same broad cast domain and IPhone now pops as an Audio device and remains on consistently.

For those who are interested to go through of more complex method ( specially if you have a firewall/ high end industry base router ), need to perform the steps below :slight_smile:

  1. Ensure all interfaces /Zones listen and participate in multicast , this is part of setting of your router /firewall

2.configure IP helper with MDNS with port 1900 and protocol UDP with destination multicast address and

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