Is there a way to calculate the volume of headphones in the earcups?

I’ve often wondered, while enjoying music with my headphones, if I’m listening at too high volume. I’d love to own a professional headphone measurement tool, but as a hobbyist, that might be a bit too much.

So, I’m wondering if there’s a way to calculate the volume in dB in my earcups? I mean, we already have plenty of electrical or previously measured parameters, like headphone impedance, frequency response, amplifier power, amplifier type, and so on.

Alternatively, specific amplifier-headphone combinations could be measured at certain volume levels, and the data could be published. Or does it exist already?

But maybe there’s a completely different method that I’m overlooking. In any case, I’d appreciate any insights!

You can use something like this without breaking the bank:

miniDSP EARS - USB Headphone Test Fixture

There are probably slightly cheaper ways to do it using binaural microphones, a portable recorder and a sound meter, but you’d have to do more work.

Hi Marian,
thanks for the suggestion! I hadn’t realized that test rigs were available at such affordable prices. I appreciate the tip, and I think I’ll go ahead and get one of those devices.

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