I know that there’s rudimentary listing of Albums, but I would love to get a list of my Favorites. Can anyone give me pointers if this is possible? thanks
Do you mean your ‘added to library’ albums from Tidal or Qobuz, or albums you’ve given a ‘’ to within Roon?
‘’ to within Roon
Head to
Tap on this
Any ‘’ albums will appear here
Un-tap the ‘’ in the second screenshot to revert to you whole library view
You give the ‘’ to each album here
Thanks a lot @Menzies; for whatever reason, Discourse removed the original category that I had this question set in, apologies- I meant to ask if there’s a way to programmatically get this list of favorites, which I’ve been unable to do so thus far.
Apologies @dennisk , I moved it to the other category as I thought was best suited there.
Programmatically speaking, this category is the right one. However, my level of help ends here. I’m not that clever.
Hopefully someone will see this thread and offer any help they can.
@GregD would you happen to know if this is possible with the API? thanks!
I have a very basic implementation of the Roon browser api in Home Assistant - I expect it’s mostly used to find paths for playing things programmatically.
Anyhow I had a quick look at my library and I couldn’t see any folders referring to favourites.
You could take a look at any of the other clients that use the browser api - but I fear the answer might be no.
hey @GregD, I haven’t found any implementation on GitHub that’s allowing you to browse your favourites…I went like 10 pages deep.
I surmise it’s likely that the Roon database stores favourites, so that’s going to be my next step if I can’t find it in the API. I believe everything is put in a KV store called LevelDB, right?
The roon browsing code is self describing - so you wouldn’t see any explicit reference in the api code. Where you might hope to see something is in the browse tree when you call the api.
You can see tags - so you might be able to use a tag instead.
@Jan_Koudijs may be able to answer you as he’s made a lots of use of the API to build his own remote app.
Unfortunately, browsing of favorites is not provided by the Roon API.