Is there a way to "handoff" a current track, at the current play-point, to a new output zone?

I would like to be able to take a play queue that’s currently playing in Zone A and send it, without starting at the beginning, to Zone B. Preferably, this would be a function built in to the zone selector.


If you click on the little note icon to the left your current song playing at the bottom of the screen, you will bring up the queue screen.

Now, on the right side of the screen you’ll see a left/right arrow icon. Press that and you can transfer your current song and queue to a different zone.

Cheers, Greg

Thanks for the quick reply. Glad it’s already built-in to the system.

Is the same function available in the iOS remote app?

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On the iPad, yes. On the phone apps, it’s slightly different. Click on the currently playing song at the bottom and it will bring up the now playing screen. There you will see the left/right arrow icon.

Cheers, Greg

Perfect. Thanks!

(I’m really falling for this software.)


i feb la while ago…got the lifetime…and every few days as I find out new tricks like focus (which is insanely powerful when you dig deep) and this I fall yet again and again.

Props to the guys behind this and for not dropping the ball just because its already good…but striving to make it better still!!!


You’re not wrong there. :wink:

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I went looking for this functionality last night and the first place I looked was the zone selector. Clearly that didn’t work :slight_smile:

It’s the only logical place :wink:

(And I don’t care what anyone else says! :heart_eyes:)

+1 to @hifi_swlon and @Mike_Pinkerton.

Keep transfer where it is now but add it to the Zones selector window.

Looks like there’s room on the right side of the Zones screen (After adjusting the Group, Gears, and Speakers a bit to the left.) The Zones screen also show whether a zone has anything in its queue which can be informative when one is changing or grouping zones.

I’m new to Roon and this is different now. On the PC right click on the current zone icon and you are presented with the option to transfer zones. On iPad press and hold the current zone icon for the same options. Not worked it out on iPhone yet sorry.