I have a number of old scanned classical CDs which are not recognised by Roon, and the files are named/tagged in a way that Roon doesn’t identify the compositions. E.g. I have a recording of Bach cantatas where they are named like “BWV 182” instead of “Cantata No. 182, “Himmelskönig, sei willkommen,” BWV 182”, so Roon does not identify the compositions.
Is there any easy way in Roon of forcing it to identify the composition? I could manually edit every file to have the work name in the the metadata but that’s a lot of work.
Have you tried edit > identify with diferent suggestions for those CDs or using the manual search if you don’t like those? See KB link
If that fails, and you don’t want to edit the title, then I don’t think there is an easy way. A partial solution, which may not appeal, can be made assuming you have an instance of the composition correctly identified in your library.
In the compositions browser, select the good and the bad, and a merge compositions icon appears. You then choose the good composition as the primary.
This has the result that links the track to the correct composition details (dates, info etc) but it won’t change the track title.
That would actually do what I want, but when I select the two compositions (the accurate one and the bad one), I don’t see a “merge compositions” icon, or a merge option in the dot menu
Actually I think the problem was not what I thought - the composer name was formatted wrongly in the tag (as “Bach, J.S.” instead of “Johann Sebastian Bach”), once I corrected that in the credits Roon detected the compositions correctly
OK, I have some feedback. I got the group of compositions on screen by a search from the home screen, not from the “Compositions” menu item. The Merge button didn’t appear when I selected multiple compositions in the search results. That seems like a UI flaw to me.
Ahh, then you probably selected a composition that was not in your library. The merge doesn’t work in that case. Hence my suggestion of using the compositions browser - that guarantees you are using library compositions.
Agreed, it would be helpful, it’s also confusing because there’s no way of seeing if the composition is in your library or not.
My feature request would be: for unidentified composition, a way to browse known compositions and pick one, similar to picking a match for an unidentified CD.
Also, a new issue: I have now successfully merged a composition on this unidentified CD with one which is also in my library, when I view the unidentified CD I see it as the correct composition with the icon to view other recordings of the same composition, all good. But when I look up that composition, and then click the icon to filter only recordings in my library, the one I just merged doesn’t show.