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How can you set a track’s “Plays” value? And is it possible to set the “plays” value across multiple albums at once?
It appears that with very early version of Roon, you could set the number of times a track was played. I had seen a couple references in the knowledge base, but that information doesn’t match the current interface. I’m hoping there is a current method and would like to access it.
Why I’m asking this crazy question? Currently I identify tracks & albums, that I have not listened to by searching for “Plays” value of “0”. I’m finally going back and ripping around 200 older CDs and adding them to my Roon collection. I want to set the “plays” value to “1” so that the albums & tracks do not appear as brand new. Although these albums and tracks are new to my Roon collection, they are not new to me.
Changing play counts manually is not possible, as far as I know.
A workaround for this: play all tracks or albums you want to set as ‘played once’ to a zone you are not listening to.
You can delete or move plays from playcounts in History. Navigate to History, select the tracks you want to edit using the right mouse button, select the Edit button at the top right of your screen. You’ll get a dialog that looks like this:
That’s a pretty limited use of playcounts, but I think that’s all that can be done now. The other problem is you can’t filter the History view so you have to scroll through to find tracks you want to edit. None of this appears to accomplish what you want to do. Sorry.