Issue or red herring: nw_path_close_fd Failed to close guarded necp fd 15 [9: Bad file descriptor]

I’ve been experiencing regular, but unpredictable, “lost server”. Troubleshooting this is out of my league but clicking around led me check out the console, where I’m finding a whole lotta error messages, as shown.

I haven’t had a dropped server connection since I’ve been watching the console logs and the attached perhaps has nothing to do with that issue, but I’m wondering do we have problem here?

Hello @Greg_Hill1,

The screenshot you posted doesn’t tell us much, can you please use this thread as a guide and post more information regarding this issue?


  • What Core are you using?
  • How is it connected to the network?
  • What is the model/manufacturer of your networking gear?
  • What Roon Remotes are you seeing this issue on?


Thanks for the response. The drops seem to have stopped, even though I’ve changed nothing. Will let sleeping dogs lie… until something changes.

Hi @Greg_Hill1,

Thanks for letting me know that the issue went away. If it comes back again feel free to private message me and I will re-open this thread.


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