What best describes your playback issue?
· Music doesn't start when I press "Play"
What type of Zone is affected by this problem?
· *Network Zones* are affected.
Is the affected network Zone connected with Ethernet or WiFi?
· WiFi
Does the issue affect all file formats?
· The issue affects *multiple/all* file formats.
Does the issue happen with local library music, streaming service music, or both?
· *Both streaming and local* *library* music are affected.
Do you encounter any playback errors with the "System Output" Zone?
· The System Output has *no problem*, it's only my other Zone.
How is the affected Zone connected to your RoonServer machine?
· Network - WiFi
Which network audio protocol is the Zone using with Roon?
· Airplay
Since this is an Airplay Zone, have you tried toggling Airplay Compatibility Mode for this Zone in the Device Setup window?
· There is no change in behavior.
Does the device show up at all in Roon Settings -> Audio?
· Yes, it shows up there, but it isn't Enabled
Does the "Enable" button unlock the Zone?
· I can Enable the Zone, but the Zone disappears
Does the device play audio from another source when using the same connection?
· The device has no problems with another audio source
Have you checked that Roon is whitelisted in any firewalls?
· I've checked the firewall and the issue remains
If the device has multiple output options, do the other options work as expected?
· Multiple output types are affected
Is the device using the latest firmware as per the manufacturer?
· Firmware is up-to-date but the issue remains
Do you have an approximate timestamp of when the issue last occurred?
· Since I installed roon (today) and I'm trying to make the speakers work in a group.
What are the make and model of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?
· Denon Home 150 NV, Sonos FIVE and Sonos SL
Describe the issue
Hi Support Team,
I use my Windows 11 PC as a roon server (System Output).
I have 3 speakers.
1 Sonos ONE SL
1 Sonos FIVE
1 Denon Home 150 NV.
Note that the set works under Airplay2 via the Apple Music application without problem. I can group the speakers together or not.
All the speakers are up to date regarding hardware updates.
Configuration in roon:
This PC: System Output (it is activated)
roon localhost: my iPhone (it is activated)
roon ready: Denon Home 150 NV - not activated because I cannot group the speakers if they are of different protocols (Airplay2 versus the RAAT protocol).
roon Tested : Sonos FIVE (it is enabled)
roon Tested : Apple TV (it is enabled)
Other network devices : Sonos ONE SL (it is enabled)
Other network devices : Denon Home 150 NV (it is enabled)
The problem is this :: Each of the speakers can play music independently. When I group the 3 speakers together no sound comes out, and then none of the speakers work after that.
Describe your network setup
I have a Bell Canada modem (internet provider) no routers nor range extenders.