Issue with Ripped Music Showing as Data - How to Import to Room Library (ref#8SGUSW)

What’s happening?

· Something else

How can we help?

· I'm having trouble adding music to my library

Describe the issue

ripped music comes up as data, how can i import it to my Room library

Describe your network setup

ripped music to my Nucleus internal storage comes up as data, how can i name the albums and import it to my Roon library


In order for us to help, please would you give more information. For a start:

  • which operating system are you using?
  • which version of Roon?
  • how are you ripping music; which software etc?
  • an example of an album or CD which you have ripped; with its track names and what exactly you mean by ‘comes up as data’
  • perhaps most helpful of all: which instructions, what procedure are you following to rip?

It ought to be fairly simple to give guidance after we know these ratios :slight_smile:


iPad, Nucleus, Parasound integrated

IOS 17.4.1 Version 1.0 build 259 Nucleus internal storage cd ripper

I have dvd drive ubs to my Nucleus

Thanks, Robert,

Which desktop version of Roon are you using? This is seven years old.

How are you ripping music?

Which instructions, what procedure are you following to rip? Has this page been guiding you?

Which software etc?

Please show an example of an album or CD which you have ripped; with its track names and what exactly you mean by ‘comes up as data’

Have you ever been able to rip a CD successfully?

How did you assign the Watched folder to Roon itself?

My apologies if this barrage of questions is off-putting. If you’re new to Roon, we’ll do our best to guide you through the process and get you up and running.

The more concrete information we have, the sooner and better we’ll be able to do that.

Good luck. Looking forward to hearing back on just what your setup is and what you’ve tried so far.

Thanks :slight_smile:

@Mark_Sealey, for

I believe @Robert_Barry is referring to his Nucleus’ RoonOS version, which is 259. This is different from the Roon application build number, but @Robert_Barry please confirm this.

@Robert_Barry, do you have a separate internal drive for the Nucleus that you use for music storage/your music library? This is different than the base internal drive that you need to hold the RoonOS operating system and the Roon database. Music files cannot be ripped or stored to this drive, they need to be located on the second internal drive (if you have one) or another local or network attached storage drive.

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Hello @Robert_Barry ,

Thanks for your message. As @Geoff_Coupe mentioned, to be able to store music on the Nucleus, you’d need a separate storage location, like a USB thumb drive or an internal HDD/SSD on the Nucleus. You should be able to see that the ripping was successful in the Web UI. I’m not seeing any Internal Storage showing up as currently active on your Nucleus according to our diagnostic system, so I would double-check this aspect first.

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