Issue with Roon OS Server not running on Macbook Pro (ref#P5PGPH)

Is Roon Server running?

· No, Roon Server is not running.

Can you turn on RoonServer to connect ?

· I can't turn on Roon Server. I need help.

Describe the issue

Unable to find Roon OS Server running on my Macbook Pro. I re-installed Roon several times but this did not resolve the issue.

Describe your network setup

WIFI Home Network. Verizon. Working fine for all devices in the house.

What you are looking at has nothing to do with your issue. Find Roon OS is is meant to search your network and find a nucleus. You are not using Roon OS you are running MacOS so that screen is correct, and also meaningless to you.

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And to add to @Rugby’s comment, it appears your Roon Server is running on MacBook-Pro-3 based on your screenshot. If your Roon Server were not running, you would not be able to see any of the options or information shown in the screenshot.

@Brian_Miller1, are you having any issues with Roon, or just the question that @Rugby answered above?

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Well, a power cycle of my Macbook Pro resolved the issue.

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