Intel NUC running Linux Roon server version 2.0 build 1311. Does not show new build 1353 available, About page shows version is up to date with 1311 which is not expected. Tried reinstalling but it stays in 1311. Roon remote updated to 1353 but not the core. Can u share steps to upgrade to 1353 and let me know why automatic update is not working.
Roon Core Platform
Linux (NAS/SonicTransporter/Antipodes/Ubuntu/etc.)
Are you still having this issue at the present time? When you reached out, build 1353 was not available to all yet, but it should be by now. Let us know if you are still having issues.
Was able to update to 1353 this week. My concern was others in my city were able to get the update weeks earlier than me. Not sure what is the policy of staged update if it is not region based.