Issues with Allo USBridge

I’m now showing DHCP , IP

alright sounds like you have something connected improperly at router modem. Thats a public IP. You should be getting a private IP

Hit escape key on keyboard dietpi config should ask you to reboot because of change you made maybe once or twice before you see that prompt ingnore restarting networking you need to restart device.

are you in Canada or US?

I need you to take pictures of router / modem at back network connections. think you have something connected wrong

I’ve been getting these public IP’s all the time under DHCP, my phisical connection is as following: Modem>Ethernet Switch>USBRIDGE (bypassing my router thsat is also connected to switch).

I hit enter about three times to exit and after I got asked to "exit DietPi-Config I hit ok and I suppose I need to type something to get out, let me send you a picture.

I’m in the US

there you go, you have to go modem to router to switch
just wait to reboot, we have to get all off your devices behind router or switch then connect to that switch Careful if you loose your internet you loose us helping you

So it has to be Modem, to Router. then if router doesn’t have enough ports connect switch to one port on router and other devices off switch.

Guessing you are doing this because things are in different rooms etc…

just hit enter on ok

I though I was doing that… my bad.

So it just now re-booted and I’m getting IP

so lets run the scanner again set the address to

Make sure you also see the device that runs the roon server and the usbridge.
Then check roon remote for usbridge under settings audio and enable it.

It’s currently running but in the meantime I opened Roon and now DietPi is showing. I’m assuming it’s working now. let me continue with the scan thuogh

yah lets just make sure all of your device in home are behind the router/ switch so you don’t get hacked…

back in a few

Here you go. Scan is done (sees green shot) not sure what to do next.

Don’t worry about being back In a few. I’ll be here.

Thanks a bunch for both of your guys help, I truly appreciate it!

looks good to me.
Your device as I am sure you noticed is now at

Setting a static ip should be done from within router but if your usbridge isn’t at just run scanner again

Just delete picture to be safe your mac addresses are also unique. hit three dots at bottom of post and a garbage can should appear to delete

Enjoy Roon I remember being grumpy about price now I would really miss life without it

Done, thanks again for all your help, it was very frustrating but I got it working now.

I thank you again for taking your time helping, i wish i could buy you a beer for that.

have a great weekend!

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glad to be of service

Good excuse to go have a beer LOL