I am using the free trial period and have 5 days left. I like all of the features and would seriously consider purchasing. I am using a WiiM Ultra and a MacBook Pro. However, I cannot play a lot of my Apple music library. When I go to a particular artist, some show only half their albums available, and only some of the songs on any particular album. Is this something I can get help with in the next 5 days so I can make a good decision about purchasing?
Note: I saw a tip in the forum about doing a “forced rescan.” I went through my library and picked a few albums to make sure I downloaded the songs. This only seemed to help a little with some, but not all songs appearing in Roon.
Hi @jkustka,
Thanks for writing in to let us know about this issue. Can you share a screenshot of your storage settings for Roon? You can find it under Roon settings (the gear icon) → Storage. Also are you able to play any of the media in the watched folder?
I was hoping to, but Jim_F stopped replying. I already asked in an email over the weekend about extending trial but got no answer. Planning on cancelling by end of day if not.
Jim F is just another user not official support, your support person is @daniel Which again is also not me. I many be a Daniel but just a volunteer moderator.
Are the files in question downloads you purchased? And, are these Apple protected files, as Roon will not be able to use Apple “protected” files?
I emailed Rebecca from Customer Success Team. I had originally messaged them about the problem and she asked me to fill out a support form with tech.
I just checked the files from Linda Ronstadt album that i referenced in a screenshot. The two files that work in Roon are ones I had purchased and the others are indeed, protected files. So, I suppose my Apple Music subscription songs will not work with Roon?
Any song downloaded as part of a subscription model; be it Apple, Tidal, or Qobuz will not work with anything but the original downloaded app. This is part of licensing and Roon is prohibited from doing anything with them.
Purchased music files that have DRM like Apple Protected can only be used on Apple software, part of the whole “ecosystem lock in”. Purchased files without DRM can be used in Roon. There used to be a way to convert protected purchased files to MP3, but, I am not sure that option exists anymore.
That being said, it looks like the two tracks in your pic that you purchased can be used in Roon since Roon sees them; so they are probably not protected by Apple DRM.