Issues with multiroom sync setup in Roon (ref#LN0LHJ)

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Multiroom / Sync

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Fritz!Box 7530

Hello, since the last update (at least in the temporal context) my zone is running with 2x Naim Cube 2Gen. no longer synchronous. The hardware and devices played in this constellation for months and years and nothing was changed. ROON Core via LAN on the router, the Naim Cube via WiFi. This is my only multiroom zone, all other devices are alone. Since then I have had a reverberation in each of the two rooms due to the time shift. I know that I can set a delay per device, but I don’t want to start playing around with it and constantly change it. It ran stable for years with 0 lag. The processing speed is 32x.

I’ve already done the router off, Roon Core off, Naim off and everything back on.

I only know this from LMS in this configuration, here permanently. This has never happened at ROON.

I just want to press the button and listen to music.

Does anyone have an idea?

Is this the issue here?

Unfortunately, I have to say that the problem has not been solved for me either and occasionally occurs again.

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Hi @Thorsten_Heinrich,
Thanks for the report on this issue. We do have a ticket addressing this issue waiting for release. I can’t tell you exactly when it will be but keep an eye on the release notes when we have new releases.

Thank you very much for the feedback.
I will slowly prepare for the time and wait.
Everything I could find about it has been in the loop for a while.

Hi @Thorsten_Heinrich,
We appreciate your continued patience. The reason it’s taking a while is that we need to reproduce this in house which take some time. We will keep you up to date!