Just Got My Nucleus - It doesn't see my Windows PC

Apologies for the trouble here, @John_Lee2!

It sounds like there were a few issues that were occurring, so I’d like to take this step by step to make sure we get you up and running. First, you mentioned that you were getting an error:

Just to confirm, were you able to successfully restore the backup at any point or are you still seeing this error?

Can you share a screenshot of the backup folder that you’re trying to use via File Explorer so I can see if everything looks okay?


I’ve given up trying to use the Music Files on my PC. I just bought a 5TB USB drive and I’m in the process of copying the music files. I will attach this drive to the USB port on the Nucleus.

I had copied the backup files to a USB and attached that to the Nucleus and tried to restore from there when trying to restore a backup to the Win10 desktop would not bring up Roon.

I took one of the other community members advice and enabled SMB 1. That is the only change I can think of that enabled Win Explorer to see the Nucleus as well as a NAS that had disappeared with a recent Win 10 update.

OH SNap. I wondered why I never heard a response. I had written a long post detailing ll the steps you needed to do a day ago. The Forums seems to have eaten it. :open_mouth:

Anyway, I think you’ll be happy with your solution.

I think you have made the right decision, the Nucleus is meant to be an independent “appliance”

Adding it’s own drive makes it so

What’s funny is that I never see issues with Windows updates , touch wood, it may be specific hardware issues, GPU, video cards etc, the normal recommend action is renew drivers from the hardware supplier direct

Good luck

I had uninstalled Roon off my Win 10 PC, too many times to count. I’m satisfied where I’m at currently with the Nucleus. I bought a 5TB USB drive and copied all my music to it and attached it directly to the Nucleus. Everything is working the way I want it now “Knock on Wood”.