A tricky one : the 2-disc album is called Aerial, but disc 1 is titled “A Sea of Honey” and disc 2 is titled “A Sky of Honey”.
Luckily (perhaps !) both discs share the same cover-art.
At the moment Roon shows this as 2 distinctly separate albums, regardless that my files are in the “Aerial” directory & then sub-divided.
How can this be handled ?
Would Roon be able to (better) handle the structure below for such cases, and would this potentially also help with cover-art etc ?
/////Kate Bush/Aerial/cover-art.jpg
/////Kate Bush/Aerial/A Sea of Honey/tracks + cover-art.jpg…
/////Kate Bush/Aerial/A Sky of Honey/tracks + cover-art.jpg…
I’ve just corrected a “The Cure” Deluxe Edition - Disintegration - which has 3 discs and the second and third discs have their own unique title, although they all belong to the one “set”.
So, as above, would the following help Roon sort things out ?
/////The Cure/Disintegration [Deluxe Edition]/cover-art.jpg
/////The Cure/Disintegration [Deluxe Edition]/Disintegration/tracks + cover-art.jpg
/////The Cure/Disintegration [Deluxe Edition]/Rarities etc/tracks + cover-art.jpg
/////The Cure/Disintegration [Deluxe Edition]/Live Concert/tracks + cover-art.jpg
The same could then also be applied to all the Pink-Floyd “Immersion” boxed-sets and the thousands of other examples etc etc etc…
I didn’t differentiate the two discs into their sub-titles. Roon displays it like this.
If I had them a discreet albums I would use the group album function to stack under one album cover.
Hi Nick,
But - that’s “wrong” - which is exactly my point. Aerial, according to the Artist and everyone else isn’t simply disc one & disc two, the two discs have discrete & deliberately different names.
Perhaps not important to some, but important to other people to have this information displayed correctly.
Well…there are degrees of wrong. I understand your point but wanted to clarify what Roon actually does with it.
If I pull the CD off the shelf I am pretty sure the item I bought was simply called Aerial. So, storing it as that isn’t exactly wrong. That Disc 1 and 2 cannot carry the sub-titles per disc is the issue.
Yep, agreed, but as this “problem” can apply to many other mult-disc “compilations” then perhaps fixing it could sort out a multitude of other customer’s complaints.
I’m curious as to what effects / options there are in terms of file structure - something for the Roonies to comment on ?
Now that my ID41 is behaving itself I seem to have more time to find other problems / irritations !
Agree. I know these guys really do try and think these things through. There is a lot of work going on for the next phase of Edit.
I’m not doing any grooming really until we get the cloud sync. Then I will get grooming. I did lots in Sooloos but that was within the confines of that system. There will be so many more options in Roon.
Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.